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Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra and Samaj Kalyan Kendra organized a "Community Led – Learning Audit" under the Learning and Migration Program (LAMP

 Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra and Samaj Kalyan Kendra organized a "Community Led – Learning Audit" under the Learning and Migration Program (LAMP), at government schools in Shedubhar and Jasvantgadh. Even with the regular attendance and good performance of children in our LAMP, there is a need to inform parents about the NGO's daily operations and their children's progress. Our staff briefed the NGO's functioning to parents using charts and showcased the Teaching Learning Material (TLM) employed to make classes engaging and enjoyable. The event saw enthusiastic participation from both school children and their parents and made sure that children as well as their parents are fully involved in the learning process. 

We were delighted to have Varun Diwan and Aditya Sharma from SPJIMR SP Jain Institute of Management & Research and SPJIMR DOCC led by Chandrika Parmar, who graciously shared their experiences and learnings with our students. They discussed their insights on Abhyudaya and Design Thinking, emphasizing their practical implementation for enhancing LAMP.

#sskkamreli #sskk #amreli #womenempowerment #childeducation #womensday2024

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